
i apologize if it's poorly made


i am yasmin, but you can also call me harris/pristine.
i use she/her and they/them pronouns, and i am a minor
birthday is july 20 :)

i tend to do random things
here are links to socials


not pinterests

i like to do random things when i feel like it
i use skull and moyai a lot 💀🗿
i sometimes do art, and sometimes do other things like animating (in pivot)
i like gaming as well, who doesn't?


i forgor, lemme know if you wanna be in



  • basic dni criteria

  • mcyt, dream stans

  • proshipping (WHY)

  • lgbtq+phobia, racism, anything like that

  • nft (._.)


  • i am a minor, no nsfw thx! i am in multiple communities, so expect most of my activity to go to discord

hi lmao

not sure why you checked this page- but whatever. here are the baltics! i like them